This was something that I thought about a lot of the course of the last couple of months. Why do I keep doing it? There are times when my review schedule is so heavy I barely have time to take a breath but I keep on. In fact, there were days when I felt like just giving it up altogether. Especially while I have been going through every single little thing here to update and fix them.
So why do I still do it? I made a little list of 5 reasons:
I Said I Would
Okay, this is as simple as I made a commitment to the author’s, publisher, and/or review programs to do the reviews. Not that they would hunt me down if I told them I couldn’t do it for some reason. Since I made the commitment I want to see it through. For some authors, book reviews are a cheaper form of advertising. New authors don’t always have the budget to do big campaigns. I like knowing I can help them a little bit. Please note I do NOT charge nor am I paid for book reviews. EVER!
I am Some Authors Super Fan
Okay, there are a few authors (cough…Lani Lynn Vale…cough..) that I have committed to reading long term because I am such a huge fan! I will say if there is ever a time that I can no longer get her books I just might cry. It’s like the fans who go and stand in line all night for books to come out or to get those tickets to that concert. I am just lucky enough to get the early copy of some authors. Which again makes me so happy. If you could see my planner and the weeks I have marked when I should get a new book versus the date the book actually comes out. You would think I was crazy but I try to plan things around the day I want to read certain new books.
I Like to Read
This probably should have been the number one reason. I am one of those people who reads way more than she watches television. I simply love books and all of the adventures they bring to my life. Even when I am going through a reading slump I still love books. I began my love for them at an early age and that relationship has just grown through the years.
I Get Bring Books and Authors into the Lives of Others
Bringing new books and authors into you lives makes me happy. I read authors that many of you don’t or maybe some that you have never heard of. Maybe you have heard of them and want to know if their books are any good. Maybe you have been hearing about a book and want to know more about it. I love bringing people together with authors and books.
Reviews Make a Difference
Lets be honest when we see the images and such on social media chances are we like the image or video and then keep scrolling. A review is a little more in-depth and helps connect possible readers. Authors gain insight into who is actually reading their books and what people think of them. A book can have a dozen bad reviews or clips on social media but then get a few who loved the book. Who appreciated what the author was attempting to get across. Book reviews Make a Difference and I love being a part of that community.
My reviews are my opinions and while I try to never give a horrible review, I have given some two and three star reviews. Sometimes no matter how hard I try to connect with a book or like a book I just can’t. So while I write reviews and will continue to do so as long as I am allowed to I will tell readers to take reviews with a grain of salt.
There are plenty of super popular books that I can’t stand. That is my opinion of them. In fact, a few months ago my sister in-law was told she just had to read a very popular book series. Everyone in her office was reading it. She bought the book and began to read it. It didn’t take her long to call me and ask me what I thought of the book. I told I didn’t like that book and to be honest I wasn’t a fan of the author.
This author is very well-known and popular but for some reason she just isn’t my cup of tea. It’s nothing personal and for millions of her readers she is their cup of tea. I just can’t connect with her nor her characters. My sister in-law told me she hated the book but didn’t want to upset the people she worked with. I told her to be honest with them. Not everyone will like the same books.
This is the biggest reason you will find many of reviews with fewer stars saying that while I didn’t care for the book it doesn’t mean you won’t. I have seen some books with one star ratings that I read and loved. book reviews are subjective but I will keep giving my opinion.
nice honesty
I am on several authors ARC lists. I love reading and I love helping small business owners.
I read your reviews and you have introduced me to so many authors over the years.
Your reviews are always great & im sure super appreciated! I review every book I read!
Reviews really do matter. I read them when deciding if a book is for me.
Thank you for doing what you do. God bless!