Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for May 2022. If you subscribe to the newsletter tan you already know I am still working on getting thing moved over from Wickedly Romance. My health issues have just been getting in the way. Things are starting to slow down though so maybe that will free up some of my time. Which in turn will allow me to get things done.
Almost every week this month there will be at least one review. There are Friday giveaways as well this month. All of those have been scheduled and are ready to go. I also want to o a big giveaway but that may not happen until the end of the month.
Reading This Month

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Looking for something to read? Check out the books we recommend this month. There is something for everyone. some of these we adore and others are in our to be read pile.
Free Reads
these books are free as of posting but please be aware that can change without notice.
I plan to read about two books this month.
I’ve been very busy at work this month, so far. I haven’t had much time to think about reading, but perusing your recommendations makes me think I should read Girl Missing next.
I’d like to read Jennifer Grey’s new tell-all “Out of the Corner”.
One book I will be reading is The Other Half of the Grave by Jeaniene Frost. I hope to read 12 books this month.
I plan to read two or three books this month. I am looking forward to reading The Last Summer: The Wild Isles, Book One
by Karen Swan.
I have several books to read in my plans for this month, I am participating in a read along for Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series so I have a book to read for that, I am in the middle of Kresley Cole’s Immortal After Dark, working may way to her newest release, Munroe, which I am impatiently trying to get to (funny how that works – I am the one that insisted on reading the previous books again before I read Munroe – and then some releases from the end April that I haven’t gotten to yet and there are quite coming out this month that I really want to read!
I actually just picked up a few thrillers and horror novels, although it is nowhere near Halloween, I have been in the mood to read a good scary story so I am looking forward to reading that genre for a little while
I plan to read some gardening books!
no reading plans
I don’t have any reading plans since I’m one of those that reads whatever sounds good at the time I’m reading.
I have a super busy month ahead of me but I hope to be able to read Book of Night by
Holly Black it sounds amazing.
I’m going to start reading Verity by Colleen Hoover this month.
I plan to read two books this month but I haven’t chosen them yet.
Going away later this month and will be bringing a book or two with me. I usually read 2-3 books per month. Love reading so much.
This month is my birthday and I am determined to live a more leisurely life.
I’m in a reading slump. I don’t know what to read next.
I’m on the last chapter of a really good book called magos. Next is a book of scary short stories
I am not sure what to read next but I am down for whatever.
I don’t have any specific reading plans at the moment.
I have some books about film and cinema that I have my eye on.
I am excited to read Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle.
I have lots of books I’ve bought recently I will be reading when I have the time and opportunity to do so.
I started reading a book over a month ago and never picked it back up. My plan for this month is to try to unplug and start reading more late at night when it is quiet.
I have no specific reading plans for this month. It has been crazy here for the past month; I’m hoping for a quieter May!
I plan on starting another book by Tess Geritson.
Not sure which one yet.
Something new and interesting that takes me away to another world.
I haven’t decided what I’ll read next. Right now I’m finishing Walk the Walk by David Baldacci.
I just finished reading Her One Mistake by Heidi Perks and it was pretty good! I’m reading 50 children : one ordinary American couple’s extraordinary rescue mission into the heart of Nazi Germany right now. I haven’t got far in the book, but I know its going to be touching and heartwrenching.
I plan on catching up with Carrie Fisher’s Princess Diarist and some other film-related titles.
I plan on reading The Things We can Not Say starting it tonight.
I plan to go to the local library and pick up 3 or 4 books. whatever looks good to me at the time, probably mysteries
I plan on reading
Nöthin’ But a Good Time: The Uncensored History of the ’80s Hard Rock ExplosionNöthin’ But a Good Time: The Uncensored History of the ’80s Hard Rock Explosion and The Game of Thrones book series
Our month is booked solid with travel. I will carry a book or two with me but traveling with my 6yo never equals an opportunity to read more than a couple pages.
I love reading everything.
I have an old book in my room that’s a comedy and I can’t wait to finally crack it open! I love reading books that make me smile or give me a giggle. Especially in this day and age.
I am not sure what I am going to read next. I have been very busy between work and family this month. I need a light heart read. Something fun or uplifting.
I’m going to look for some new cozy mystery series to start, but haven’t zeroed in on authors yet.
I am looking forward to reading Book Lovers by Emily Henry.
I’m trying out a number of new authors
My plans are to go through my long list in my TBR list and clean it up before summer reading.
I haven’t decided. I read about 12-15 books a month, and it’s usually whim that chooses which books I read.
i need to start reading book lovers for my book club
I am looking forward to reading Woman on Fire by Lisa Barr.
My reading plans are to try to get through at least 3 books on my TBR list – its piling up!
No plans yet. Life keeps getting in the way of my TBR list.
Plan to read 2 more books this month!
As this month comes to a close, I have not had a moment to do any reading thus far. Hopefully next month I will get to a few that I have been meaning to check out based off of your reviews.
I have been very busy for the month of May with graduations and visiting family however I did read The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley this month. Hope to read more next month. I have a light contemporary romance book I need to start and The Lifeguards from Amanda Ward scheduled to read next.
I definitely plan on squeezing a book in before my next college class starts. I think I might hop into the second book of the My Not So Wicked series.
I want to read around 4 books a month but already behind so I need some free time to catch up on my reading !
I have barely had any time this month to read! I started a job a few months ago at an eye doctor’s office and the 8-5 work schedule has been an adjustment. Especially when we work the long days and are open until 7! The kids are out of school now so I hope to catch up on my reading! Happy summer! Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone!