After some debate and a lot of thinking I have decided to do away with The Monthly Chapter. I realized that most people were only commenting because of the giveaway and want this blog to be the place that book lovers come to find new books.
That doesn’t meant that there will never be giveaways happening over here anymore. It just means that I am changing them up. They won’t be happening monthly and the next will happen in May. It will be a large one with at least a $500 prize. That being said I also want to reward followers who regularly comment and visit.
So I will be adding in extra entries for those who have commented on non-giveaway posts prior to the giveaway as well. Make sure you are visiting and finding books between now and then so that you can take advantage of those.
This is something that I could change my mind about at any moment but I want to get some stuff done here and want this blog to have a certain feel to it. Also I want more than just the giveaways. Although I do admit that I am afraid that this will be something that many readers leave because of.
I hope that it isn’t but understand if it does happen. I hope that you will like the new larger giveaways that will be happening. As I said the first one is in May with another in August and then December. So stay tuned.
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