It’s been a while since I have taken part in this series but I really wanted to get back into it this year. It is a great way to share different books with y’all without a lot of work. If you are new to this series then allow me to explain a little. Each week…
Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday: Books for Halloween
It’s Tuesday again and time for this week’s list of books. As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Click on over to her blog and give her some love. If you want to join in the TTT fun, you can find all the information on her blog.
Top Ten Tuesday: Atmospheric Books
I missed last week’s list but this week is certainly interesting. It is ten Atmospheric Books and I will say that I had to really think about this one. For those who don’t know already atmospheric books means: A novel feels atmospheric when the setting and the narrative are deeply involved with one another; when…
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Jobs I Would Do For Free (Real or Imaginary)
I am pretty new to this list but I thought they looked like so much fun. So I thought this week would be the best week to jump in and take part. The Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Click on over to her blog and give her some…