Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for February 2025. It is the month of love! That time of the year that all romance lovers just know is made for them and them alone. Okay if you are single and not into romance I get it. There are times those happily in love that it makes you…
The Monthly Chapter
The Monthly Chapter | January 2025
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for January 2025! Welcome to the first Monthly Chapter of the new year! Boy can you believe that it is 2025? I certainly can’t and let me tell you knowing that it is really makes me feel old. normally it doesn’t but this year for some reason it does. I…
The Monthly Chapter | December 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for December 2024! I admit that I actually started writing this back in November so that I would ensure it was ready to go. I wanted to share more of the updates I have been doing along with some other information. So, I knew if I started this post then…
The Monthly Chapter | November 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for November 2024! It has been a while since I have done a Monthly Chapter here and normally I would have done this on the first or second of the month. I thought about just not doing it at all but I wanted to discuss some of the changes going…
The Monthly Chapter | August 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for August 2024. Every time I say I have plans over here things happen and they fall through so I am not saying that this month. You will have noticed that some things have started to change a bit. More will be coming and when I am finished (fingers crossed…
The Monthly Chapter | July 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for July 2024. Okay, I have wanted to scream for the last couple of days. My plan had been to get this posted on Monday, in fact I had things almost ready to go. Then a few other things came up, and on Wednesday I needed to get one small…
The Monthly Chapter | June 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for June 2024. It has been a hot mess over here for the last few months. I keep saying I am going to get over here and do this or that but I fail at it regularly. Then when it seems like I have a moment life gets in the…
The Monthly Chapter | April 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for February 2024. I skipped last month mostly because I just didn’t feel up to doing anything. I kept telling myself I needed to do some work over here and then simply didn’t. So this month we are back and there are several reviews and new books for you to…
The Monthly Chapter | February 2024
Welcome to The Monthly Chapter for February 2024. This month there is a lot going on. I had meant to start this last month but the flu took me down for several weeks and it just didn’t happen. So this month I am playing catch up on several things including the monthly reading challenges. There…
The Monthly Posts Update
Normally on the first of every month there is a post called The Monthly Chapter. It has upcoming book reviews, books I am reading free books, and much more. I have decided that I would suspend these posts along with both the Authors of the Month and the Backlist of the Month for the rest…