What happens when you first love comes back into your life just when you need his help needing your help in return? You accept is what you do. That is just what Ainsley did when Santiago told her he needed someone to pose as his wife and go undercover with him. She needed Santiago to…
Colton Cowboy Jeopardy by Regan Black
I just loved this book! I mean it starts with a hot cowboy riding through the woods then he hears a baby crying. What could be better than that? Mia is a widowed single mother who has the step mother from hell. She is forced to run with her baby. While she is wealthy she…
Gone With the Rogue by Amelia Grey | Book Review
This was the second book in the series but the first I have read as well as the author being new to me. It can be read as a standalone book although I am planning to go back and read the first. I will let y’all know after I do if it makes a difference…
The Case for Temptation by Robyn Grady
I wasn’t crazy about this book. It had a good story idea. Jacob and Teagan were both decent characters. They meet and have a one night stand. I mean happens but then it’s like they are always apart. It felt like they were just never together. I don’t know this just didn’t work for me…
Colton’s Deadly Disguise by Geri Krotow
Bella Colton is a journalist and goes undercover at the local beauty pageant after her friend Gio has died as a result of an eating disorder. A disorder that both Gio and Bella believe started in the beauty pageant circuit. While she believes all pageants make girls and women feel the need to be thin…
Colton Manhunt by Jane Godman
In this book we meet a different branch of the Coltons of Mustang Valley. Three siblings who are cousins to the rich branch. Spencer is the oldest and the siblings had a bit of a hard time after their parents died. Never the less Spencer has become a K-9 officer with MVPD. He is also…
Colton First Responder by Linda O. Johnston
What would you do if you were wrongly accused of something and sent to jail? Well that is what happened to Savannah Oliver. However, fate steps in with a disaster that might help her change her fate. Grayson Colton is a first responder who jumps right in when an earthquake strikes. In his search for…
Colton Family Bodyguard by Jennifer Morey
Callum Colton doesn’t do families or kids. He is a bodyguard and makes a point of never taking assignments that includes them. Yet one day he sees the cutest little girl and her mother. The mother intrigues him and he goes about his business. Hazel Hart is trying to raise her daughter and start her…
Colton’s Lethal Reunion by Tara Taylor Quinn
Rafe wasn’t born a Colton. He was adopted by them after father had passed away. Rafe and Kerry had been childhood friends all the way til their teens. That is when he suddenly left for no apparent reason. He had a reason, a good one that does get explained. Now as adults Rafe is the…
In Colton’s Custody by Dana Nussio
We are back in Mustang Valley and the Coltons are in hot water again. This is book five in the series and I promise y’all I will have reviews for books two through four soon. In the book Payne is still in a coma and we are still attempting to figure out who shot him….