Another delightful installment in the charming Little Duck Pond series! This time, we dive deeper into Maddy’s life as she prepares for her dream Christmas wedding and embarks on a magical hen do in Lapland. As someone who’s always dreamed of visiting Lapland, I found every description a joy to read—it was almost like being…
Rosie Green
The Sticky Toffee Pudding Club by Rosie Green | Book Review
Annalise has a lot going on! From being worried about her grandmother’s health to meeting Jensen when she tries to reduce a stray dog but they don’t exchange numbers. Then to top it off she loses her job. Then she he meets Maddy and the café girls, a new adventure begins. Persuaded by her new…
A Winter Wonderland by Rosie Green | Book Review
Diving into these narratives, what captivates me most is the intricate web of interconnected stories rather than a singular focal point, with the narrative lens consistently zooming out to encompass the entire community. In the heartwarming tale of “A Winter Wonderland,” Jaz, a single parent, grapples with the delicate balance of parenthood while tentatively exploring…