One of the things I have wanting to do with my author of the month I share more about certain books or characters that I enjoy. I have finally found the time to do it. Well, I just decided I would do it and not put it off. So this first week I want to share my favorite couple; Shadow and Misty.
Cerberus MC #3
I’m no stranger to a woman warming my bed.
Just like riding my bike, the freedom I get from deciding if one night should turn into two, or if a number should be deleted altogether, is thrilling.
I’ve never been dishonest about what my expectations are.
What’s new for me is being the one ghosted.
So imagine my surprise when the girl who decided I wasn’t enough shows up on my doorstep burdened with the consequences of her own lies and deceit.
Shadow and Misty met in the first book of the series and see each other again here. shadow is used to women falling all over him while Misty is more than a little naïve. when she shows up on his doorstep with the result of their time together things get complicated.
Let me say that the chemistry between these too is off the charts. Even when they are so angry they can’t see straight it is there. I totally get Shadow’s anger and the lengths he is willing to go through to get what he wants. At the same time I totally understand Misty too. She thought she was doing the right thing only to realize she couldn’t go through with it. so she turned to the one person she knew could help her. the one person who would help her despite his own anger.
I will tell you that Misty doesn’t have much of a backbone which I normally hate but there was something about her. Her inner dialogue is all about the backbone. She just sucks at the follow through which is why she spoke to me I think. It’s easy to say you want to stand up for yourself but harder to do at times. However, together Misty and Shadow just work for me. I would love to say there is one thing that makes them click that way for me but there isn’t. They are just my favorite couple of this series!
“Fancy seeing you here, Darlin’,” I whisper into the neck of the familiar female.
I see her smile, turning her head slightly toward mine.
“Shadow,” she says softly as if she’s seen me prior to now and was waiting for me to come to her.
“Let’s dance,” I say grabbing her hand and walking her out to the small dance floor.
I met Misty Bowen months ago when several of the Cerberus MC members traveled to Denver with Kincaid, our president, to help find his cousin’s abducted girlfriend. She was working in the front office of the school Josie worked at and was abducted from. Being there was routine for me, part of my job was to canvas the area and see if anyone had seen anything unusual leading up to the kidnapping.
What wasn’t routine was my heart skipping a beat and my cock thickening in my jeans at the sight of the young, dark-haired beauty answering calls at the front desk of the elementary school. Not one to deny myself, I pursued her relentlessly in my down time in Denver, finally catching her a few days before the mission ended in finding Josie alive, tied up in a closet in a meth den. It was actually Misty who called and gave me the heads up that a little girl came and reported her parents for keeping a woman tied up in their house.
She was the consummate, attentive lover, keen on any suggestion I made. We’re back in Denver for Josie and Kaleb’s wedding. I’m slow dancing with the girl I never thought I’d see again. To be honest, I’m an asshole, and I haven’t given her much thought since the last time I climbed out of the hotel bed, leaving her asleep without so much as a kiss on the cheek.
Seeing her now with her dark hair pulled up high on her head, leaves me with a little bit of regret, wondering if I shouldn’t have handled things differently. She’s gorgeous in her conservative, black dress as we sway to the music. I came to this wedding with every intention of finding a chick to take back to my room, but I also never considered that Misty would be here. It’s perfect actually because I know she’ll be willing to accompany me without much of a fight. This gives me more time with her body than if I had to woo some other chick tonight.
“I guess I should have expected you to be here,” I say into her hair as I lead her around the dance floor. “I know you and Josie are friends.”
She nods. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I didn’t think the rescuing bikers would come back though.”
“We always show up for family,” I say in explanation.
The song fades from one song to another more upbeat song, one I wouldn’t be caught dead dancing to. “I’m gonna grab drink, Darlin’. I know you’re not old enough, but you want a water? Coke maybe?”
She grins mischievously. “I’ll have a martini.” I cock an eyebrow at her. “I turned twenty-one last month.”
“Martini it is,” I say wrapping my arm around her waist as we make our way to the bar.
We drink. We dance. We stumble to my room in the hotel a few hours later.

My favorite book couple at the moment is Mathew Clairmont and Diana Bishop
This looks like a great read!
I don’t have time for all these books! 🙂
Annie and Frankie!
looks fun
My favorite book couple at the moment are Daniel MacGregor and Darcy in Nora Roberts book called Forever MacGregor. Great story so far and it sure keeps me interested and reading.
My favorite book couple is Jamie and Claire Fraser right now. Can’t wait to read more of their story.
Valerius and Tabitha Devereaux from Seize the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon it’s one of her older books.
My favourite couple is Harper and Knox from the Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright.
At the moment I am re-reading Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark series and I have to say Bowen and Mariketa is my favorite couple so far!
My favorite book couple is Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, in Pride and Prejudice.
I can’t think of any book couple at the moment.
I don’t have a favorite book couple.
My favorite book couple is, and always will be, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.
I love a good MC read. This sounds like a series that might be worth reading!