I promised y’all that I would be sharing my various favorite paranormal books over the course of the month and this week we are all about the time travel aspect of them. This is another one of those where I tend to stick with only a handful of authors. I find that I enjoy their…
Bookish Life
Halloween 2021 Giveaway
Welcome to the Halloween 2021 Giveaway! If you follow me over at Rita Reviews then you already know that I will be one one of these giveaways each month for the rest of the year. Since it the big three holidays I figured why not. I enjoy them and so do y’all. I had planned on…
10 Favorite Alien Books + Giveaway
I promised y’all that I would be sharing my various favorite paranormal books over the course of the month and this week we are all about the aliens. Although I will admit that I tend to stick with only a handful of authors when it comes to this particular subgenre.
10 Favorite Shifter Books + Giveaway
I promised y’all that I would be sharing my various favorite paranormal books over the course of the month and this week we are all about the shifters. For those who don’t know (and where have you been living?) shifters are humans who turn into animals. They are either changed or born that way and…
October 2021 Featured Author: Paranormal Authors
This month instead of doing just one author I thought I would do something a little different. Since it is the month of spooky stuff , I thought I would share some of my favorite paranormal authors and books. Throughout the month I will showcase different books that I enjoy. After all, what is Halloween…
A Decision Made
You may have notice that there are older posts on the blog without any images. The images are broken and that happened when I changed hosts. I have been going back and slowly working through those posts and adding the images back. I spent hours yesterday and managed to get through five pages.
September 2021 Featured Author: Lila Rose
It’s the beginning of a new month which means time for our newest Featured Author! This month we are showcasing Lila Rose. She is one of my favorite Motorcycle Club authors. She also does an amazing job writing M/M romance which is include in her MC Romance books from time to time. Add in her…
Birthday Bash Giveaway
Since I was doing one of these over at Rita Reviews I thought I would do one here as well. I mean why not? It’s my birthday and I have a new lease on life so why not celebrate the crap out of that. Honestly I could be sad and say that my heart failure…
Grace in Hollywood by Kari Bovee | Book Review + Author Interview
As I said earlier I have not yet read the first book in this series so I can’t comment on how this one compares. What I can say is that I enjoyed this book so much! Reading this was like watching one of my favorite British mysteries. Trust me that is saying a lot coming…
July 2021 Featured Author: Anna Hackett
One of my favorite Sci-Fi Romance authors is Anna Hackett. While I have read most all of her books my favorite series of hers are the Galactic Gladiators and Hell Squad series. They are both just so wonderful. They are books that I have in both audio and ebook format. Although I want to get…